PASS Pedigree
Cyrillic instable? PASS Pedigree offers the solution. With PASS Software drawing pedigrees becomes quick and easy. Your historical trees can be converted to the new environment so you can continue working on your data. Everything is stored in one database. PASS Pedigree supports the work processes of the genetic counselor, lab assistant and reseacher.

Pedigrees can be exported as images for publications.
An export file can be produced which can be used for risk assessment.
Connections to external databases like lab-systems of Hospital Information Systems are possible.
By entering a patient's ID the data will be synchronized between the systems.
Upgrading to multi-user (server) versions, or upgrading with additional modules in PASS Clinical, is optional.
Haplotypes can be displayed in the pedigree and are visualized in colors.
Information can be anonymized.
PASS Pedigree is multi-lingual
In the legend multiple diseases can be chosen in one family.
Cyrillic GEDCOM files can be converted.
The archive function shows how the pedigree has evolved over time.
PASS Pedigree uses a database instead of separate files, which enables searching, reporting and sharing.
Draw complex pedigrees quickly -The positions can be changed manually afterwards and the 'align' function positions the pedigree symmetrically on the screen.